About the Missing Person
Full Name
Qozhaya Shehwan
Father Full Name
Mother Full Name
Thurayya Al Hashash
Place of Birth
al AalaliBatrounLebanon
Age at the time of disappearance
Occupation at the time of disappearance
Employee at Sol'ati chemicals
Marital Status
About the Disappearance
Place of disappearance
The company of Sol'ati chemicals
Circumstances of the disappearance
"Syrian intelligence was frequently in contact with Qozhayya in order to get sandbags from his company. One time, he was called to meet with some Syrian intelligence officers at the entrance to his company. His uncle, who was suspicious of the circumstances, saw Qozhayya as he was on his way to meet the intelligence officers and told him that he could help him get away if he wanted to, but Qozhayya didn’t accept this offer. After the family found out that Qozhayya had been abducted by Syrian intelligence, they began looking for him and after a number of months Qozhayya’s wife got permission to visit him in a Syrian prison. They met and spoke for fifteen minutes, and she gave him two packs of cigarettes and fifty Syrian liras. As she was leaving, he told her that she wouldn’t be able to visit him again without a travel permit. He also explained to her the reason that he was in the prison, and he said that “God will take care of whoever caused this to happen.†Qozhayya’s wife attempted to visit him every fifteen days but after that she was forbidden from seeing him again.
Date of disappearance
Last Seen Place
Sidnaya prison Syria