عن الشخص المفقود
الإسم الكامل
Haitham Hijazi
الإسم الكامل للأب
الاسم الكامل للأم
Fatima Soufi
مكان الولادة
Al Hawour Street, Abi SamarTripoliLebanon
عمر المفقود عند الاختفاء
ماذا كان يعمل
Owner of an Optic shop
الوضع العائلي
عن ظروف الإختفاء
مكان الإختفاء
Central Street, In front of his Optic ShopTripoliLebanon
ظروف الإختفاء
Haitham was a calm, polite and patient man. He was known to be the “soulful†one out of his siblings. He was also a very joyful and happy man. He loved to read. Whenever he was not working, he would read and pray. He started off as an apprentice in one of the optic shops in Al- Tal, Tripoli, then went on to open his own shop in the same area. One of his ambitions was to improve and take care of his newly opened business which he liked very much and worked hard at.
تاريخ الإختفاء